Friday, October 13, 2023

Got through another one

 English 12

Monday's the day when you turn over the expository

On my old vintage desk will be the repository.

Paper copies only with a title page and 6 pt. scale.

Staple them all together, I don't want an email.

I also assigned Chapter Seven to read, but no writing,

After, we'll see a bond between Winston and O'Brien igniting.

And I'm still missing a few of your field trip forms,

Collecting them after their due is totally 'the norms'.

So it's those three things to complete over the weekend,

And I hope you find moments with loved ones to spend.

Christian Studies 12

The Three Parts of Morality we'll discuss on Monday,

Then see Alison and Alan 'perform', what a fun day!

Thursday, October 12, 2023

 chapter 6 of 1984 in case you missed it. 

Today's Class: Re Block A & C


Here is the Task du Jour:

1. Read The Coddling of the American Mind (here) in small groups. 

You may read it in its entirety on your own time but for the purpose of this task, 

read the first several paragraphs until you get to HOW DID WE GET HERE- skip that and jump down to the section called FORTUNE TELLING AND TRIGGER WARNING, 

read that section and the sections titled MAGNIFICATION, LABELLING, MICROAGGRESSIONS and lastly read the section WHAT CAN WE DO NOW. 

2. Upon reading the article, DISCUSS the following questions in your small group:

  • What does 'coddling mean'? Does it have negative connotations? Given the contents of the article, is coddling an accurate description of what's happening on campus or would you call it something else?
  • Does the title lead you to think a certain way or does it foster curiosity?
  • Do the authors have an identifiable bias or, given their examples, do you think they are accurately reflecting the state of post secondary campuses?
  • Do YOU think trigger warnings are necessary? Why or why not? Are microaggressions 'an issue'? Why or why not? Do you have any personal examples of either?
  • Lastly, in what ways, if at all, does this non-fiction piece correspond to chapter 4 (part 1) of 1984?
3. After your small group discussion, complete a 10 minute journal reflection on the following topic:

"How are we to spread the Gospel (Matthew 28:18) that is to say, 'speak the truth', while being mindful not to offend anyone (2 Cor. 6:13)? It seems the Lord calls us to both; therefore, both are possible but how?"

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

for english

 finish chapter 5 and questions. 

remember in class paper on your movies poem happens THIS FRIDAY in class.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link