Friday, May 13, 2022

It's a Friday, Folks!

Philosophy 12

It's Philosophical-Phestivity on Monday. 

Dress as your favorite philosopher, or dress philosophically phabulous!

I will bring tea, chocolate and phun! You bring want you want to the party.

The test on Philosophy of Science will be on Tuesday.

Read Hobbes Materialism section 392-397. 

English 10

In-class essay on The Tragedy of Julius Caesar on Monday.

You have the topics, but not all topics will be available for the essay.

Ensure you have points, examples, quotes and references ready for Monday.

You will have the hour and can go slightly into the lunch hour should you need to.

Bring lined paper (lots) and a pen. Be prepared to write an interesting title and essay number reference on a title page in addition to your essay.

If you are doing bonus lines, that will be after lunch. Remember to come in character (costume).

English 11

Complete journal entry #2 for this term. That is, complete a snippet (like Act 1) for this second act.

Ensure you have read up to lines (approx.) 75 for Act III, scene i, which is where the murderers enter.

Complete the requisite questions. 

Thursday, May 12, 2022

 English 11

 Quiz on Act 2 tomorrow.

This link may help you in your studies. It is not mandatory to complete. Just an aide. Find it: Quotes

English 10

Complete review handout

Philosophy 12


Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Notes Left for TOC

 B-Drama 10/11. Students may look through the monologues available to them and select one that they would like to perform. They can be found on the window ledge behind my desk. Once students have looked through all the monologues and selected the ones they like the most, they have the rest of the class to work on it. Inform students that the directing project will resume on Thursday and Friday. 

A -English 11. Students are to finish reading Act 2 of Macbeth. They can get into small groups and share their homework questions for scene 3. Please note any students who did not complete these questions. Students then as a class should read scene 4. It is brief. 
Students are strongly encouraged to watch the interviews with the main characters of Act 2 scenes 3 & 4 in MYSHAKESPEARE.COM in class and/or for class tomorrow. By Thursday's class the scene questions for scene 4 are to be completed. 

D- Double Block of Philosophy. The second block after lunch is reserved for independent final project study. Remind students to fill out the google doc outlining what they accomplished in the second block.  For the first block, students need to get the ch.8 Metaphysics handout which is on the little old desk in the front of the classroom. They need to read the first section of the handout entitled 'What is Metaphysics?'.
Upon reading the section, students need to create a shared doc of the items they highlighted and explain why. This is due by the end of the class. Students have no homework but should be reminded that they have a test tomorrow. 

C English 10- Students are to use this class as a work block for their Podcast Project. By the end of the class, they must submit to you on lined paper 3 objectives that they accomplished today. There is no homework. 

Monday, May 9, 2022

Macbeth, Caesar, Science, Plays

 English 11

Finish scene two of Act 2 and questions

English 10

*Podcasts (upcoming)

Philosophy 12

*Final Project (upcoming)

*Test this Thursday

Drama 10/11

Maia directing; Gladis submitting reflection

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