Wednesday, April 10, 2019

I don't know how I feel about a play set in Scotland without Scottish accents?

Tomorrow's the day when you dress from way back,
You could be a bygone farmer and bring in a haystack.
Or rock my decade and breeze in with Hammer pants,
The nineties were dope, you can see that in a glance!
Tomorrow's also like a Friday so it's a double celebration.
But then there's that Act 1 quiz which might dampen the elation.
Oh and if there's any assignment that you've been trying to duck,
You should get that in tomorrow or your report card might suck!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Monday, April 8, 2019

Short Week? Yes, Please!

Tonight you're doing two questions on Macbeth and his wife,
Homegirls's tripping and bringing on nothing but strife.
More on that tomorrow but don't forget your lines to learn,
You'll recite them to your peers and listen to theirs in turn.

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