Friday, May 3, 2013

Its Official!

I am starting a countdown. Join me, won't you: There are now 29 days of classes left. TWENTY-NINE!

So the homework for today:
Please finish the in-class questions I assigned on page 256 # 1,2,4,6
ALSO, please read pages 257-259 and answer the first 4 questions on page 264.
Lastly, there is a quiz on Monday on pages 240-250 and everything in between.

Mark, you are up for devotions.

Have a magical weekend.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Awwwww, Yeeeah!

No HW!!!
but make sure you have yesterday's Practice Questions done.
We had a lovely day up at The Crest chatting about the 80s and sipping coffee.

See you tomorrow.
Seena, will you blog please?

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Longer Chapel/ Shorter B block

We are in the last chapter of Unit Two.
Please read up to page 249 and answer
1-3, 5, 6

Signed tests are always welcomed.
Projects are now overdue--hand them in.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Wind Blown Hair only Looks Good in Magazines: Die Down Wind!

For tomorrow:
Test tomorrow.
Project tomorrow.
Harly, devos tomorrow.
Those who need to leave early for chapel come in as soon as the bus arrives tomorrow

See you tomorrow.

(The sun'll come out tomorrow)

Below are the Jeopardy questions. Review...for tomorrow.

1.The times they are a changin’
1. Rock music, new clothing styles, sexual promiscuity, and experimentation with drugs were all part of…?
2. When it became clear that depending on Middle Eastern countries for oil was unreliable the Liberal party brought in this program.
3. Economic and Social Changes within Quebec in the 1960s became known as?
Quiet Revolution
4. In 1966 all Canadians now had access to doctors and hospitals from tax dollars with this
Medical Care Act
5. Canada becomes officially bilingual with this
2.Name that Prime Minister
1. This Prime Minister gave us a new flag?
Lester Pearson
2. This Prime Minister’s government introduced the Canadian Bill of Rights?
John Diefenbaker
3. He was the first prime minister to include a woman in his Cabinet?
John Diefenbaker
4. This prime minister gave us Canada Pension Plan, and Canada student Loans?
Lester Pearson
5. He appointed the first woman Gov-Gen, decriminalized homosexuality and legalized abortions?
3.Justin Trudeau’s Dad
1. What was Bill C-150 also known as?
Omnibus Bill
2. Name one way that Trudeau tried to limit Canada’s involvement in the nuclear arms race and ease cold war tensions?
See p 234- Daily Double
3. Which policy was the cornerstone of Trudeau’s Foreign Policy?
Trade and aid
4. Trudeau invoked the War Measures after what event ?
October Crisis/ FLQ kidnapping James Cross
5. Who did Trudeau succeed as Prime Minister?
Lester Pearson
4.The Marginalized
1. Name the year that the last group in Canada gained the vote.
in 1960.
2. These people benefited from  a ‘color blind’ policy that worked on a point system.
3. Lester Pearson created a royal commission in 1967 to determine the status of these people.
4. These people were told their special status would end if this proposal by Trudeau’s gov’t passed.
5. These people felt that Ottawa favored Central Canada.
5.What do we want? French Power! When do we want it? Now!
1. This group wanted to separate and were considered extremists?
2. This party won the provincial election in 1976 and in Quebec and were interested in separation
Parti Quebeccois
3. this made French the sole official language in Quebec: Daily Double
Bill 22
4. This recommended ways of enhancing and promoting bilingualism in Canada
Royal commission of Bilingualism and Biculturalism
5. What is masters in our house or Maitres chez nous about?
Liberals wanting to strengthen Quebec’s control of their own economy
6.Wars and Rumours of Wars
1. He was the American president involved in the CMC
Kennedy: Double Daily
2. This Cdn PM spoke out against Johnson’s bombing campaign in N Vietnam
3. How did Canada (and other W. Countries) voice their approval of the Soviet’s invasion of Afghanistan?
Boycotted the 1980 Olympic games in Moscow.
4. Canada agreed to have these, although the issue divided CDns. (vocab word)
Bombarc Missiles
5. SALT 1 were between what countries?
7.Bird is the Word
1. Tied Aid
2. Draft resisters
3. embargo
4. feminist
5. pressure group
8.No clever title here
1. Bill C-84 outlawed this?
Death Penalty

2. Our civil rights and freedoms became entrenched in what year?
3. Trudeau’s  policies and changes to Canada represent his view of the way he saw Canada which was this.
Just Society
4. They promote peace, global disarmament and nonviolence
Greenpeace. 1971: Daily double
5. When one geographical area of Canada has a difference in income, wage compared to another. This is called
Regional disparity 

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