Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday arrived? Now, I can thrive. And feel alive. Into the depths of the weekend I dive!

B block, we will work on photo essays on Monday and review questions for chapter 8.
'84 quiz on Tuesday.

C block, '84 quiz on Monday.
Read The Coddling of the American Mind.

Christian Studies
Quiz on Monday.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Say Cheese!

Hello beautiful people!

Here is your homework tonight:

English C block
You are finishing your photo-essays to be handed in tomorrow.

English B block
Read chapter 8 + questions

***both classes: expect a quiz on Part 1 of 1984 on Monday***

Christian Studies

You are reading the rest of chapter 4 and answering the questions below:

Page 100-107 (A closer look at Deuteronomy)
 1. What was the purpose of The Shema (Deut. 6:4-5) for the Israelites?
2. How does Block help us understand what it means to love God with our Heart (leb), Soul (nepes), and Strength (meod)?
3.  Reduce the message of the book of Deuteronomy down to Moses 5 points.
4. What does Moses mean when he tells the Israelites to circumcise their hearts? 
5.  How are what Moses said in Deuteronomy; Jesus said to his disciples, Paul said to the Romans and James said to his audience all essentially the same thing?
 *6. FYI: what’s a vassal as it applies in this last section?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Minor Details

Finish your class's chapter of 1984 if you have not yet done so. Don't forget the questions.

Christian Studies
In class essays are happening tomorrow, so please be prepared for that!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Advisory #1

Christian Studies:

1 question: please sum up in your own words the most important points of tonight's reading, pages 84-90. One paragraph response will suffice (include page refs.)


C block is reading up to page 97 of chapter 8 in 1984 and B block is reading chapter 6 of 1984. Both classes are doing journal #3 which asks "What is an ideology and on what principles would you say your ideology is based?" Explain in a 10 minute timed writing exercise.

Monday, September 24, 2018

What is Happiness?

English (B)

Read chapter 6 and answer  the've almost caught up to the other class.

English (C)
Read chapter 7 and answer the questions

***both expository essays due October 15th*** remember to be objective and not subjective.

Christian Studies

Begin chapter 4: Daily Life as Worship. Read up to page 84.

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