Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Final Countdown (continued)

worth listening to for apologetics sake.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Wasik's World

Related image

English 12
Well, this is almost it.
Of course, there is no homework but you know that anything that needs to come in should be done by  tomorrow.

Christian Studies
Essay due tomorrow. Personal responses due Friday.
Don't forget a title page for the final essay (original title in the middle; name, class, and date at the bottom- all are centered).

Monday, January 21, 2019

We are in exam prep mode, so there is no homework that is due.
If you are working on a bonus assignment that is due Wednesday.
If you have overdue work, that too is due Wednesday.
Bring back your Perrine's Literature, 1984, Othello, Hamlet books and whatever else you need to return to me.

Christian Studies
Your journal is due tomorrow. Last one.
John 21, Max Lucado.

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