Friday, March 31, 2017

Twin-derful Friday!


The Great Depression test is on Monday: multiple choice and 3 Guiding Questions in paragraph response.
Bring your laptops all next week, as needed.
Get your previous chapter tests signed!
Check your email if you are looking for a digital updated version of the project handout.


You are completing an I Am Poem this weekend and Three Word Form poem. You will have completed 4 poems by this Monday. Be prepared to show me good rough copies of these two.
If you need instructions for these two poems, please check with a friend who was in class as the instructions were all written on the board.


Scripts are overdue.
Nathanael is directing on Monday, Keileen is on Tuesday.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Sometimes, sun shines in our sity!


Some of you still have to polish up your first two poems. You should do that tonight!
The rest of you have no homework tonight.


We have a test on Monday. You should study for that.
Homework: We are in World War II as of tomorrow, I want to give you lots of time for researching during class but we will read at home and review in class so please do the following questions:
page 123 1-5; 126 1-4. We review tomorrow in class.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Late Post


No homework but chapter 4 test is on Monday.


Create your second poem for the poetry unit:
Concrete poetry is the use of words and their physical formation to convey meaning.  This may be done with color, that shape of the letters/ and/or the arrangement of words.

Directions: Geographically create a scene using only words. From a distance this will look like a picture, but up close it will consist only of words and phrases. No extra lines or shapes should be used. A light pencil line might be drawn first as a guide. Use colors, shapes and sizes that will enhance this meaning of words.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Nuthin' but Grey Skies


Mainly reading tonight: pages 105, 111 and 112-113 answering #2 and 5 on that last page.
Also, don't forget to get your chapter 2 and 3 test signed.


Polish up your poem that you worked on in class on Monday. They will not necessarily be put on the backboard but you will want a good copy of these poems for sure...
Also, if you haven't handed in your signed Animal Farm test, do that.


We will continue to work on Megan's Zombie play tomorrow in class bring all clothes and props necessary.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Soggy Start to Spring

Socials 11

Complete questions 1-4 on page 104.
Get your chapter 3 tests signed and return to me this week.
Continue (start?) reading your historical fiction book.

English 10

Short Story test tomorrow.
Prepare well for it.
Power Point Slides.(short story unit)
Compete Vocab #6 Ject
Return signed tests with corrected words.

Drama 10-12

Directing begins this week. Ensure you are ready.

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