Friday, January 13, 2023

Hello, Friday, You look Good!

 English 12

Lit Circles kick off next Wednesday and Monday is all about that narrative essay.

English 11 

Macbeth projects are due on Monday and a self reflection of your poem recitation is due Monday as well. 

I have air drops from Liam, Logan, Alan, Brandon, Nathan, Joseph, and Ethan. The rest need to be emailed or sent via another electronic source. Thank you : )

Christian Studies 12

You have no homework but remember to bring in a computer for self-assessments on Monday Advisory block and your field trip form for Feb 2nd. 

Don't forget Feb 6 is THE day to hand in your capstone project. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Did you Dress to Impress...or Dress to Depress?

 So, Grade 12s,

it's been a week, am I right?

I really admired your "I don't know how I'm going to get it all done, but I will" attitude! Good on ya!

So tonight, no HW per se, but you got your upoming due dates, so getter done!

Grade 11s,

you have a poem to recite for me tomorrow. I am sooo looking forward to it. Did I ever tell you I love poetry? Say that poem 40 times today and you have no other homework to do tonight.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

That's a Wrap on Shakespeare


Dress ⏫?

Dress ⏬?

Let's see tomorrow.

English 11

Work on your Poetry in Voice piece for Friday.

English 12

Short Stories due on Monday and Lit Circles start next Wednesday.

CS 12

Presentations begin tomorrow and turn in your reflection piece tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

So much to little time

 English 12

Jer-nuls doo tahmoro.

seen too kwestchions doo tahmoro.

English 11

kompleet thuh kwestchions fer akt wun.

CS 12

tahmoro iz thuh last dae too werk on yer project.

they start thurzdae

Drama 10-11

the drive 4 yer self reflecshun

anser thuh following kwestchions in an emale too me:

1. Upon viewing your performance how well do you think you portrayed the character's mood(s) during this performance?

2. Upon viewing your performance how well do you think your character's costume and/or props suited the scene?

3. Upon viewing your performance would you give yourself an extending, applying, developing, or emerging for the skills you applied to this project. Explain why. 

A half-page paragraph reflection is due tonight.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Last Two Weeks: Let's Go!

English 12

Finish the scene questions for Act 5.2

Quiz on Act 4 tomorrow

Journals for Othello due Wednesday.

English 11

Bonus lines due tomorrow.

Project due next Monday.

CS 12

Presentations on your specific video begin Wednesday.

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