Thursday, February 17, 2022

Saint Valentine- what a guy!

 English 10

Read The Ninny for Tuesday. There are no questions to answer over the weekend. 

Short Story Unit test NEXT Wednesday.

Philosophy 12

1. Make point form summary statements of each of Raugust's tenents.

2. After reading her Case Study findings in the work place (based on the Kennedy Aging Project), write a statement on a critical evaluation of the findings based on the notion that "feminist ethical discourse values cooperation, relationship and interdependence nuturance" while patriarchal values promote autonomy, rights and individual justice".

English 11

No HW at this time.

Speeches due February 28.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Half Way Through the Week!

 English 10

Complete 1-5 for The Possibility of Evil for a homework check tomorrow.

English 11

You are pre-reading The Story of Keesh for a peer led discussion tomorrow. No questions.

Philosophy 12

Read Erik H. Erikson's 'Theory of Healthy Personality'. We will unpack Plato's notion of the self and as well as Erikson's tomorrow. Read pages 73-75. No questions are necessary at this time.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Valentine Monday !

Philosophy 12

Summarize Bentham's ideas of Utilitarianism in a short paragraph.

In your own words provide major objections to this theory.

Initially, most students were against the C.I. Pitted against Utilitarianism, do you like it better or less than?

Explain why? If both, are unsuitable, can you suggest a third way to make ethical decisions?

Don't forget to read up to page 73,  ending with Plato's except.

English 10

Your satire is due tomorrow.

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