Friday, May 12, 2023

Mother's Day Weekend

 Love up your moms.

English 11

Just a quick read for the rest of scene 5 is all that is required for Monday.

Poem due Tuesday.

English 10

Snippets due for Act 3 on Monday and a quotes quiz will happen after the rest of the movie.

Don't let this be you:

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Oh my gosh, the weather is dope!

 Hi all,

English 10

You have a concrete poem due Friday and you have all the questions for scene 1 of Act 3 due tomorrow.

English 11

You have a poem based on a lie due next Tuesday and you have to read up to enter Ross and Angus and answer #2.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Homework for today

 English 10

Shake the that Shakespeare book and read Act 3, scene 1 up to enter Trebonius. We will complete the questions in class so just make sure you have read up to page 38 for tomorrow.

Also, remember that your concrete poem is due THIS Friday. I will take both rough and final copies. 

English 11

Nothing for today. 

Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Work

 English 10

Today's free write is based on this image:

Here is the Poetry Slide for today's instruction. 

Go to the 7th slide. Create your first poem called a concrete poem. Slide 7 has a video and instructions.

If you look behind the book on my music stand, you will see a copy of some student's poems from last term. 


English 11

Do not reveal the jury's findings until tomorrow. 

As for today, your poetry assignment #2 is to write a poem based on a lie.

The composition of this poem is based on your own criteria. 

For example, when we wrote "I'm Not the ___ You had in mind", you had to write a 40 line poem of rhyming couplets and include at least 3 poetic devices.

For this poem, you create your own restrictions. 

The only requirement is that it is at least 14 lines. So you can say something like:

1. My poem will be 20 lines

2. My poem will be free verse (or 5 stanzas of 4 lines with ABAB rhyme scheme).

3. My poem will use 4 poetic devices: 1 metaphor, 1 simile, 1 alliteration, 1 allusion

4. My poem will expose a lie (or perpetuate a lie or explain why I lied)

It's entirely up to you. That is the challenge and hopefully, the fun of this next poem.

So again, state how many lines your poem will have, what type of rhyme scheme it will have, which and how many poetic devices you will use and what type of lie your poem will be about. I will grade your poem according to how well you stick to your criteria. Choose carefully, sometimes making something that you think will be an easy criteria can create it own challenges, too.

Hand the criteria in by the end of the class (and take a pic for yourself) 

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