Friday, October 1, 2021

Hurray for Fridays

 English 11

Short Story Unit Test: Monday

Good copy of Poker Poetry: Monday

"If you really knew me" Speech: Wednesday

Start your poem: "I'm Not The _________ You Had In Mind"

This poem is about not measuring up (or sinking down) to the stereotypes or (mis)conceptions people have about you. Possible topics may be:

  • Being Christian

  • Your nationality 

  • Being a Teenager

  • Your own awesome idea here

  • Parameters of the poem: rhyming couplets, 20 in total (40 lines in all)

Start your first line as the title.

English 12

Read Just Lather, That's All by Hernando Tellez
You can find it HERE. There are no questions to complete at this time.

Career Life Education

Work on your resume and have a good version typed out for Tuesday.

If you like books and all things related AND are looking for volunteer hours might be just the thing for you! 

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Shortened Tuesdays are a thing!

 English 11

Your news article is due tomorrow.

If you really knew me speech is due Wednesday, October 6th.

English 12

Read "The Coddling of the American Mind".

Write a brief summary of the contents of the article and then provide one paragraph TO BE HANDED IN TOMORROW based on the topic below:

How are we to spread the Gospel (Matthew 28:18) that is to say, speak the truth, while being mindful to not offend anyone (2 Corinthians 6:3)?
It seems the Lord call us to do both; but are both possible, how?

Remember what a good paragraph looks like: topics sentence, supporting evidence, transitions, closing statement.

PS Two things I love coming together in one big Christmas package: MacWashington

Career Life

Monday, September 27, 2021

National Truth and Reconciliation Week

 English 12

Finish reading chapter 8 for homework + questions.

English 11

(Re)read The Initiation. Printed journalism paper due Wednesday. Bring journals tomorrow.

Career Life Education

At ease, soldiers.

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