Friday, October 18, 2013

Quiet Day!

English 12

Those of you were not in class on Friday, please bring your lunch and stay in during lunch to complete the in class assignment, a photo essay.

Read ch. 3 of part II of 1984. (and questions)

Remember to pre-read The Loneliness of the Military Historian
get in those permission forms. Monday is the deadline.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Your didn't have one either, eh?

English 12

A. Tonight please finish your final draft for the Narrative Essay.
Remember to do the following for tomorrow:
1. Give it a title
2. Cut it down by 10%
3. Double-space it
4. Hand it in along with your rough draft and peer-editing comments.
B. Finish ch. 2 of 1984 (+questions).
C. Pre-read "The Lonliness of the Military Historian" by Margaret Atwood, this can be found in the black duo-tang. This poem won't actually be discussed until next week, but still, get 'er done.
D. (phew) Remember to bring in scissors and old magazines for tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Missing: Clever Title, if Found Please Post Comment

TA/Interns: please check your Carvermail.

English: finish reading ch.1 of 1984 and answer the 10 questions for that chapter.
Rough draft due tomorrow for narrative essays.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Four-Day-Weeks xs Two!

If I haven't checked your binder please come find me at some point and let me see that you are logging your hours.
If you need more work log sheets, I have extras or you can continue to use lined paper. Keep these all stapled together.

English 12
1984 quiz is tomorrow. Refresh your minds on the contents of Part I.
Get those forms handed in to come to Granville Island.
Rough drafts of narrative essays are due Thursday.
Complete your journals on the following topic: Express a freedom in Canada that is actually not so good to have. Explain why. This is journal #8 and these will be collected soon so get up to date!!

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