Friday, December 10, 2010

The Last Instructional Friday 0f 2010!

Socials 11
You had two in class activities to do: the first one all actities and the second one the first two.
If that was done in class you have no hw. if not...getter'done!

English 12
Journals due Monday (6)
Sonnets too.

English 11
Those of you who have been away need to read all of Act 1 as we are done.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The End is Near!!

Socials 11
Test tomorrow!

English 12
Memorize, memorize, memorize.
Sonnet and Journal due Monday.

English 11
Re-read Act 1 Sc. 1-3.
Those of you who were absent from class need to do the starred questions for 1.1 and 1.2

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Won't see a snow day this year :(

Socials 11
Complete the Activivities on p. 308 # 1-3.
Expect the test to be on Friday for Ch. 12.

English 12
Get caught up on whatever it is you need to do for my class.

English 11
Read the handout on tragedy and underline/hightlight relevant parts.
Read pp 4-9 in the textbook of Macbeth.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"Beware the Green-Eyed Monster!"

Socials 11
Two sets of Activities 300 (#2,3) and 304 (all)

English 12
No HW unless you didn't finish the questions for Act 4.2

English 11
At ease, soldiers.

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