Thursday, May 9, 2019

Just Thursday

So we are in the final Act before the curtain drops,
Scenes 1 & 2 is where Shakespeare pull out all the stops,
Get into your homework and watch the queen go off the rails,
Her ability to keep a secret is one of the biggest epic fails.
And complete the questions, been a while since EVERYONE did,
Seems like class participation has been relatively tepid.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

"Honors" Assemble!

Anglais Onze

The book clubbers left us to debate what it is to be male,
We ended with an idea that it's somewhat of a sliding scale.
While the honors students discussed ideas of racism and justice,
The conversation left behind was still thorough with just us.
But now to your homework: it's time to get the wheels spinning,
So you can write a paragraph that you feel is #winning!
Projects and essays, I know, kids, it feels like a lot,
But you're almost done gr. 11, so give it your best shot.
And we made it over the hump--two more days till freedom,
Can't wait for those weekends days, Lord knows we need 'em.


Monday, May 6, 2019


Malcolm claims to be worse than he who wears the crown,
If that's the case seems Scotland's doomed to wear a frown.
But this guys's got skills in sussing out those with virtue,
See he's the kind of guy who'd be hard pressed to hurt you.
So read how he 'bates' Macduff and stop at "Enter Ross",
This scene's not too hard, so no one should be at a loss.
And complete the questions, that is, all but the last,
Heads up: quiz on Thursday, avoid sounding bombast!

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