Thursday, November 2, 2023

Attention: All Grade 12 students

All grade 12s will be in English 12 for A block, with Mr. Brock's blessing.

We have a guest speaker, an author, and she can only come for one block. 

Please arrive on time and listen well as she will undoubtedly offer information on writing (you have two essays coming before Christmas break), Please also feel encouraged to ask her questions.

The specific homework for your long weekend (yay!), is to think about how you can write a persuasive essay against your expository essay. Turn that in on Monday.

But above all, enjoy the long weekend-- you survived your first term of grade 12. One down, three to go.

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

HW in case you check

So there's no hw but there are presentations tomorrow in English for movie and poetry.

That's it  : ) 

Monday, October 30, 2023

Last week of the term? That's nice!

 English 12

All journals are due tomorrow.

Make sure all 7 are written and COMPLETE!

Here is topic 7:

Does 1984 mirror our time in 2023? Explain.

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