Friday, April 26, 2019

Good bye to a month of long weekends

The effects of the king's murder leave no one safe,
As guilt wraps its tentacles, even Lady Mac begins to chafe.
Banquo's head is on the chopping block, we'll see how that goes,
Macbeth killing the Lord's anointed is just the start of his woes.
Very rarely do we get into the mind of a serial killer,
This ride is one heck of a physiological thriller!
Crack open your plays, read to the end of scene three,
and see if any more is fulfilled of the witches' prophecy.
And don't forget your poems that are based on a lie,
Drafts due Monday, bring your poetry game and stupify!

your commitment to a lie
Related image

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Sun, how do I love thee, let me count the ways! (ahem, Apostrophe)

Today we had class out on the hilly lawn,
It was done, in part, to stifle a yawn
that sometimes happens when we study the bard
It goes without saying that sometimes he's hard.
But I tried a few things and maybe you were entertained,
Even if, it times, the hearing was strained.
As for tonight, the homework couldn't be lighter:
Finish 3 questions then we'll see if Banquo's a fighter.

So I wrote this yesterday : (

I posted this last night but posted it to "History"
Why I seem to often do this is a bit of a mystery...

You are taking some time to re-do your quiz, 
you're sprucing it up so you sound like a whiz,
Then you're moving along and starting the third act,
Read up to the top of page 69, as a matter of fact.

chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link