Friday, September 30, 2016



Quiz on Pt 1 of 1984 on Monday.
Please read the section on Theme in the Perrine's Literature textbook (chapter 4).
Answer the questions that follow.

Grad Trans

We work on our portfolio next week, come prepared to do so.

P.S. Please note Artona has opened up an additional 40 slots for booking your photos.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Say Cheese!


Take home assignment
 In chapter 5, Syme explains how eliminating language narrows the range of thought. Although we do not live in a totalitarian state, political correctness aims to eliminate language to narrow the possibility of offence.
I want you to explore that topic tonight in a 350-500 response. Here's what you will need: the hand out I gave you called Better Watch What You Say, This Video by John Cleese , This second video by Vox and a Bible (Romans 12:8 & 14:13-21; 1 Corinthians 8:9, 13; James 3: 9-10) After you have been primed  [To make ready; prepare] answer this question:

How do we, as Christians, remain sensitive to others while at the same time resisting the political correctness culture aka modern day thought police? Should we never offend (think Jesus v Pharisees)?

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

The Fantastic Mr. Fox


Finish reading chapter 8 (and questions)

Grad Transitions

We are working on resumes and cover letters for tomorrow. Make sure you have them. We will be in the lab.

Image result for the fantastic mr fox

Monday, September 26, 2016

Salt of the earth/Earth?


We had a little debate about when to capitalize the planet we live on. I was on firm ground when I said we capitalize it when it is a proper noun. I unearthed a sample for you: earthy goodness.

Pre-read The Lonliness of the Military Historian for tomorrow's Image result for poetry tuesday
Read chapter 7 of 1984 by Wednesday.

Grad Trans

Tonight you have having a financial plan discussion with your parents and writing a summary of that discussion on the last side of your in class handout today.

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