Thursday, February 9, 2012

Let me be brief


No Homework...

well not exactly-
History students you have a Totalitarian project due a week from today.
Socials students you have a chapter 2 test Monday.
English students you have a project due two weeks from today.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wednesday: The Half-Way Point

Finish reading the section on France & Britain.
Answer #6-12.
Prepare for quiz tomorrow.

No HW- yeeeaahh!

1. What is it about the 'lie' that makes him so angry? Explain in one or two concise sentences?
2. What conflicting attitudes and facts at the beginning of WWI does the poem illustrate?
3. Show how the poem is a condemnamtion of all wars not just WWI.
4. This poem is by an 'angry young man' of the early 1900s. Identify and illustrate three methods used by Owen to convey strong emotion.
5. Do you think Owen is a sensationalist (look it up if you don't know it)? Explain in one or two concise sentences.

aaaand, can you bring an old essay to class for revision...forgot to mention that today.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Toos, Tos, Twos, Tuesday

Now that Chapter 2 is decidedly behind us, we are on to Ch. 3. Please everything up to the League of Nations (including it) and answer #1-6.

Finish reading The Home Front and Women of WWI. Answer #10-4 of Practicing Questions.

No HW-aww yeah.

Monday, February 6, 2012

2nd Monday, 2nd Semester

Test tomorrow.
No HW.

Innovations: choose the best advancement and explain why.
Second set of Practice Questions # 1,3,4.

Answer the questions on The Guest #3-7.

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