Friday, December 9, 2022

Another Day Missing

 Dear Grade 12s,

    I regret to inform you that I will not be in attendance once again today. Please know that I would most definitely be there with you if I could today, even with the high absence of students due to a Basketball tournament (Go, Hawks!),  I would still rather be there teaching you; listening to your thoughtful comments; waiting for Megane to ask me what I will do on the weekend with my kids; hearing Filbert tell someone that they are so slay; overhear Heran say damn; watch Grace be as fastidious as possible; tell all the boys in the back row to quiet down, while I suspect that Aryn is watching a show; wait for somebody to ask me if I heard what Peter said, and literally watch Naim's scar heal by degrees when I do homework checks.  If I could be there, I would. 

    To satiate your curiosity, I came home Wednesday to a leaky ceiling and, thus, waited all day yesterday for a roofer to come by, only to receive a call that they will be here today. My husband is working an extra day (Christmas presents must be purchased, ya'll) so the task to wait around falls upon me.

    Nonetheless, I know you will be productive in my absence. Below is the 'Task Du Jour' and the weekend homework. This Link is a google drive  Check your emails for a shared drive for you to submit your essays, please submit your paper copy to Ms Johnson, and ensure you enable comments on your essay (if possible) so I can do some grading over the weekend. Remember to attach the peer feedback sheet at the end of the essay. 

    See you Monday, God willing,

    Mrs Loconte

Postscript   If someone could record today's Live with Lewis that would be splendiferous! I am very interested to see how the group of 3 covers the chapters on Faith.

A block:

Same format as yesterday. Homework review led by Michael and his partner to review Hope. Heran and co to lead a 'show' on Faith.

Weekend homework is to review for the Quiz on Monday for chapters 1-6 and complete the questions on Faith (both chapters).

We will continue with the last two presentations (paper handouts to be provided) next Tuesday and Wednesday.

B block: 

Find the short story The Drunkard (page 339 in the 9th Ed) by Frank O'Conner. I don't have my textbook in front of me but the questions to answer by the end of class are the ones about 'who does the title refer to', 'did the father foreswear liquor', what the are 4( ?) 'perspectives of the boy', and 'is this a humous story because it reflects life or deviates from life'. Complete those questions on paper/in laptop for Monday.

C block: 

Drama students don't usually check this blog. See teacher for further instructions.

D block: 

Now that you are done Act 3, use the Find It questions below to review for the Quiz on Monday. Work alone or in partners to complete the set. If, however, you work in partners, find the references TOGETHER, do not divide up the work. 

After you have done that, check out the video below that I was going to share with you today for our next poetry project. It pretty much sums up the general #mood for our next assignment. Once you have viewed the video head over to the Poetry in Voice website to: Read Poems so you can delve a little deeper into this poetry project (Spend about 10 minutes there). We will talk in detail on Monday after the quiz.

Lastly, read THIS CBC ARTICLE to understand the importance and history of why we memorize. Once you have done all of the above, read Act 4, scene 1 to see Macbeth meet the witches and answer the questions. My Shakespeare is there for your reference.

Have a good weekend and see you Monday, God willing. 

Find it: Quotes Assignment



1.     Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth

2.     Macbeth tells the murderer’s that Banquo has been the source of their problems

3.     Macbeth thinks Banquo is intelligent

4.     Macbeth is having a banquet

5.     Macbeth says that Fleance must die too

6.     Banquo must take a trip but will return

7.     Macbeth questions what kind of men the murderers are

8.     Macbeth thinks he killed Duncan for Banquo’s benefit

9.     Banquo thinks the witches prophecy will come true for him too

1      Donaldbain and Malcolm are spreading rumors abroad

11.  Macbeth says he will test fate

12.  Macbeth gives a reason for not killing Banquo himself


1.     Lady Macbeth is not comfortable in her new position

2.     Lady Macbeth reassures Macbeth not to worry about Banquo and Fleance

3.     Macbeth expresses that their positions are not safe

4.     Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth he will not let her know of his plans


1.     Fleance lives


1.     Macbeth says that Fleance will eventually be a threat

2.     Macbeth can’t sit at the table

3.     Macbeth is disturbed by the first murderer’s news

4.     Macbeth’s guilt begins to show

5.     Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth that he ruined the night

6.     Macbeth tells his guests to pay no attention to him

7.     Lady Macbeth says “Uhh…He’s always like this-hehe”

8.     Macbeth asks what’s the use of cemeteries

9.     Macbeth says he needs to know more information, whatever it is


1.     Hecate chastises the witch

2.     “Having a false sense of security is our weakness”


1.     Lennox says that children are killing their fathers

2.     Lennox states that Macbeth did the right thing

3.     Macduff is plotting against Macbeth

Thursday, December 8, 2022

See my notes for your sub

 English 12 (B block)

Students are being led by Student Teacher, Aidan Steinke. No TOC needed. Adam Wasik will observe him. 

Christian Studies 12 (A block)

Students are doing a presentation. They know what to do, it's been the same format everyday for two weeks: 2 students lead the homework discussion, and two other students lead a presentation.

Drama 10/11 (C block)

Students always begin with check-in. Students need to do a final run through of their dramatic reading for Christmas chapel and give each other feedback and then EACH student needs to look online for a DRAMATIC DUOLOGUE. They need to have one by the end of class. 

English 11 (D block) 

Students are finishing Act 3 of Macbeth (scene 6 and questions) and completing a journal entry (3 snippets) in class. Please borrow a laptop and play the dvd version of Macbeth, it’s on my white board ledge. Just play Act 3. The DVD player is on my desk. The students will let you know where to start and stop. The students have the rest of the class for a work block—time permitting. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Guess what day it is?!

 Hump Day!

English 12

You have Mr Steinke tomorrow so if you have not done so, best to hand in that 3 paragraph response ASAP.

Essays due this FrRiDayyyuh!!

English 11

You are as free as a family pet bird whose owner forgot to close the latch on the cage door. "Fly, good Fleance! Fly! Fly! Fly!"

CS 12

Chapter questions on Charity due tomorrow and quiz on chapters 1-6 next Monday.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

3 weeks till Christmas

English 12

Quiz on Act 2 tomorrow.

Also, please complete an amazing (dahling) journal entry #3.

Aaand, make sure Mr Steinke has your written response.

English 11

Scene 3, plus questions.

CS 12

Complete Great Sin questions.

Monday, December 5, 2022

Foggy Monday

English 12

We had Mr Steinke lead the class today, so as such, we will discuss scene 3 of Othello tomorrow and have the quiz on Act 2 Wednesday. Review of  Act 2 happens tomorrow and the journal on Act 2 also happens tomorrow. (for written paragraph submissions)

Students who went to Aberdeen, please see me for work from our student teacher. 

Christian Studies 12

Complete questions for chapter 6- Forgiveness.

English 11

If you did not get a chance to complete two (2) pages of blackout poetry in class today, ensure they come in tomorrow- first thing.

Tonight's homework is to read Act III, scene i of Macbeth and complete the requisite questions.

See you tomorrow, all!

 I live in both of these worlds Mon-Fri.

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