Friday, September 16, 2022

 English 12

There is no homework DUE this Tuesday but I would strongly recommend that you open up the link and read a synopsis of each book on the list to sign up for during Lit Circle.

You will be given a handout on Tuesday, and we will also discuss the details.

Analytical Literature Circles

Career Life 12

Start thinking about YOUR personal mission statement.

Refer to the handout to get ideas. Your own paragraph will be due on WEDNESDAY.

English 11

Finish reading Brother, Dear and then create a list of some tips and tricks to help parents and teenagers communicate better.

Thursday, September 15, 2022

Definitely a Dip in the Temperature

 English 12

We ran out time on account of the safety drill,

Before that we sharpened our book-analyzing skill.

I didn't get to mention that we have a story to read

There are no questions to complete so no need to speed.

Follow the link below for the story--have a good look!

That way you don't have to bring home the book.

Miss Brill by Katherine Mansfield

English 11

Finish the story about the man who goes for a walk

and do a final draft of your paragraph before 12 o'clock.

The following questions also need to be complete,

Type them or write them, just make sure they're neat.

The Pedestrian Questions

1. What function does the setting serve?

2. What important information is conveyed by the setting.

3. What aspects of the conflict are introduced in the setting?

4. What mood or atmosphere does the setting create?

5. Write down your favorite metaphor or simile. 

Career Life 12

What's your mission statement?

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Short Wednesdays: I'm lovin' it!

English 11
Write a paragraph where you make use of the simile,
Make one about Jesus and then it's a homily!
This is due tomorrow but only in draft form,
Having peers check your work should be the norm.
Comparisons in total must be no less than five
Feel free to make more, though, and do a deep-dive.

English 12
Finish reading our first literary short story,
If you Google it's meaning then give the 'net its glory.
Why do those boys do the thing that they do?!
We'll answer that tomorrow, also 1, 4 and 2.

Career Life 12
Finish the handout that we worked on in class,
Doing all assignments will ensure that you pass.


Tuesday, September 13, 2022



Santa Ono's take on a Liberal Education 

Begin video at 27:18; end at 1:02:25.

Note down 5 points on the value of a Liberal Arts degree.


Answer the following questions in your notebook/laptop:

1. List the ways with examples from the story in which our narrator changes.

2. Why does the narrator not protest the fact that she is 'only a girl'?

3. Does the author seem to support or refute the idea of stereotypical gender norms.

*4. Think about the theme statement for "Boys and Girls".


No homework but we will finish Finding Your Mission in Life handout tomorrow.

Monday, September 12, 2022

Smoky Monday

English 12

Rainsford and Zaroff-- now there's a match:

Hunting only 'the best' with a slight catch

Finish the story to see who comes out alive

Then complete all questions from one to five.

Career Life 12

Vocation is 'calling' so where are you called?

 No homework tonight (not that we've stalled).

Just think of a job that you'd like to explore 

or maybe a career where you'd like to know more.

Think of a mentor, then draft up a suggestion

Tomorrow we'll take time to answer your question.

English 11

"Boy and Girls" and Girls and Boys

Does one get dolls and the other toys?

Let's consider that after reading the story.

Read to the end of 52, no less-y no more-y.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

A Poem to Start us Off

Welcome back students of High School English!
I've changed my blog theme for a look more stylish.
But what's really important are the contents in here
Check back daily where I'll post them with cheer.
First week back, I always keep homework light
Just make sure it's done by the end of the night.
So, reading for the 12s and questions for the 11s:
Work simple enough to assign to the sevens!

English 12

  • Read just past paragraph 110 of The Most Dangerous Game. STOP at the line break.

English 11

  • Finish reading Learning the Language. Make a list of all the similes in the story put a star beside the best one and explain why. THEN copy a sentence from the story where you feel the perspective of the narrator changes and explain why.  HW questions may be written on lined paper in a notebook or binder, or you may type them out to show me on your laptop on Monday. 

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