Friday, February 22, 2019

Our Weekend Mission

English 11

Get started on the novel of Mice and Men,
You've got to read a total of 6 pages past ten.
You're giving a speech and handing it in,
And maybe a prize for the one voted to win.

Thursday, February 21, 2019


Image result for speech
Image result for speech

The homework for tonight is to write a little or write a lot,
You've got a speech due soon, so put in some thought.
When you've got it where you want it, start to rehearse.
Get so comfortable with it, it doesn't feel like a curse.
And review, too, the handout out on literary terms,
You're head should be full of them like an apple with worms.
If you've studied well you'd know that wasn't a metaphor,
It was imagery and simile but I've got a ton more.
The beauty of English are all these figures of speech,
They can take your writing where you never thought you could reach.


Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Valentine's-ish Talent

English Eleven

Tonight's the night we read our last short story,
About figuring out what makes one worthy of glory.
Keesh is the story found in your photocopied handout,
Some of you left it at school, of that there is no doubt.
But here is the LINK, hey, no need to thank me.
Complete all the questions so the class won't get angry.
We'll finish the video on the speeches of Obama,
But it's not about politics, so don't bring the drama.
Time permitting, we might get into literary devices,
I want to give you a quiz, but, relax, it's not a crisis.


Tuesday, February 19, 2019

S'no'w way?!

English 11

Tonight you must start the beginnings of your speech,
There's no word count or maximum that you need to reach.
But you do need to get it started, whether 'intro' or rough draft note.
Whatever you piece together I will be checking what you wrote.

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