Thursday, November 3, 2022

Long Weekend here...again

 English 12

Important dates to keep in mind:

Chapters 4 &5 and questions: Monday

Journals due: Tuesday

1984 test: Wednesday

English 11

There is no homework for this long weekend 😄

Career Life 12

You should be checking in with your mentors. Those of you who have me...I'm looking for you.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Little Loconte came for a visit

 English 12

Chapter 2 of 1984: read and complete questions

English 11

Think about what a poem based on a lie might be about but there is no other homework for tonight.

You will hand in your journal for short stories (+ the one question about group work) tomorrow so please ensure you entries are up to date. 

CS 12

We will move onto Book II tomorrow but the quiz for Book I will be on Monday.

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Poetic Reign

 English 12 + Christian Studies 12

Three tests are done; no more remain,
you're doing a good job of staying sane.
Day by day you're striving to maintain,
the mental gymnastics for which you train.

and you wouldn't be human if you didn't complain.
But, hey, at least for today it did not rain!
Take care of each other: there's no 'stay in your lane',
otherwise, the grind, the hustle, is all in vain.

And read about Winston, whom we last left in pain,
Chapter one plus questions, there I've said it plain. 
Plus, keep Lewis's arguments straight in your brain.
Each point builds on the last like a strong link-chain.

His analogies are deeper than Aslan's mane.
We'll review them all tomorrow so for the quiz you don't strain.
You'll kill it like Macduff did that evil Scottish Thane. 
I'd end the poem there but then, it'd be short a quatrain.

English 11

You've got a test tomorrow on Of Mice and Men,
Bring paper, your textbook, and a blue or black pen.
I'm fresh outta rhymes since I just did more than ten,
I'll get back in the poem game when I'm feeling more Zen.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Happy Hallowed Evening

 Gr 12s, sorry for the late post:

Here is all you need for tonight’s hw:

Complete questions as per usual.

Don’t forget quiz for ‘84 tomorrow. 

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