Friday, April 26, 2013

Vox Populi

The Voice of the People have decreed that we will have a TEST on Tuesday.
Review will be Monday along with a current events quiz (for bonus, as always).
James will be up for another Devotion (double-header).
And your project (then and now) will also be due on Tuesday.

Original Creation #5,365,890,194

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Frisbee, Anyone?

Tentative: Ch. 7 test next Tuesday (and project too)

Tonight: textbook questions 1-3a, 4(point form fine) on p 221
 & 1-3 on p 227.

Devo: Rona

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Say Cheese!


Mark is up for devotions for tomorrow.
Chapter 6 tests now need to be signed and returned.
Tonight you will read up to page 116 and answer 1, 2a.

Work on your projects "comparing then and now" (song or ad) as they will be due soon.

chapel april 16 d/e/ 1FAIpQLSe1M3GzPklD1McmcoxQGB6R RsnFpmz3rSSqQqwysu7KsvuSTA/ viewform?usp=sf_link