Friday, June 9, 2023

Rain. Boo!


Macbeth projects/essays due Monday- English 11

We are making an alliance with 10B for Monday's class. Make room. Also, hand in your Group Reflection/Mark defense on Monday. - English 10

Thursday, June 8, 2023

Whelp, last Friday of classes this year is just over the horizon!

 English 11 

There is no homework tonight but we will be finishing Macbeth tomorrow. For some of you this meme will feel very appropriate:

English 10

Tomorrow is Podcast Day but you knew that. Don't forget that a group reflection and mark defense is due EITHER tomorrow or Monday. You play that 'would you rather game' all by yourself. 
I'll be giving back the poetry quizzes tomorrow, as well. Perhaps some of you were feeling like:

If that's you, see English 11 meme.

Have a stupendous night, ya'll!

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Homework is nearing an end! Ain't it Grand?

 English 11:

Please complete all the questions for scene 3. We will spend a good chunk of time unpacking the final scene of Act 4. Lots going on there. Movie and Find It sheet to follow for tomorrow's class.

English 10:

Poetic vocab quiz Thursday and Podcasts due Friday.  

In Other Matters:

Almost time to go back into the ol' memory banks of school happenings.

I'll start:

Monday, June 5, 2023

Last full week of classes, Boiiiii!!

 Englais 11

Read Act 4, scene 2

plus questions.

English Dix

Tomorrow is a Podcast work block but poetry test is on Thursday.

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