Friday, November 21, 2014

Sevens and Eights in Legion

Vancouver Team

I. Read Matthew 4: 12-25
Answer the following questions. This devo #7

1. What did Jesus do to fulfill the prophecy of Isaiah?
2. What did Jesus preach about?
3. Why did Jesus begin his work along the Galilean Sea rather than in the Jerusalem Temple?
4. Who did Jesus call to be his disciples? Why?
5. What kind of things did Jesus did for the people? How did the people respond?

II. Write a journal reflection on your presentation on Stepping Stones. How would you say you did and why? Include in your journal anything else you wanted to cover in the guiding questions that you did want to at first or  forgot about. 


I. Read Act 1 Scene 1 of Hamlet and (as always and never hereafter mentioned) complete the accompanying questions.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

You're hot then you're cold, you're yes then you're no..

Don't mind the heater situation in my room, just dress in layers!

English 12

Write a 300 word essay on either the theme or conflict within "The Visit" in the handout package.

Vancouver Team

Be prepared to present tomorrow if you did not go today.
There is a quiz tomorrow on Matthew up to Matthew 4:1-11
Complete these questions:
1. What kind of things tempt us? Give examples.
2. What is the purpose of fasting?
3. What is Jesus first temptation? How does he respond?
4. What is Jesus second temptation? How does he respond?
5. What is Jesus third temptation? How does he respond?
6. When Satan leaves, what happens to Jesus?

I will include a few questions from the last handout on The Cry and Risk Management.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Middle English: Day of Woden: Wednesday


Please read the story "The Drunkard" on page 339 and answer 6 & 8 in your notebook.

Team Vancouver:

Please read and answer the following:

Matthew 3: 1-17
1. Who was preparing for Jesus' Ministry? Where? What was he doing?
2. What makes John kind of 'different'?
3. What does John say to the Sadducees? What does repentance mean?
4. What does water do? What does fire do?
5. Who is present at Jesus baptism? In what forms?

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

When Exactly Does the CHRISTMAS Season Start?


Please read Wordsmith, a provincial prep poem, and answer the questions that follow.
You can find this poem in your handout bundle.

Vancouver Team

Please answer the following questions in your notebooks:

Matthew 2: 13-23
1. What words are repeated in this passage that are significant to the story?
2. Why does the Lord have Jesus and his family go to Egypt?
3. How does Herod try to hold onto his kingdom?
4. How many dreams does Joseph have?
5. Where does the family end their journey? Why is this important?

Monday, November 17, 2014

Got a Rake?

If you have a rake, please bring it in for this Friday as the outreach team will be raking the grounds this Friday.

Read "Young Goodman Brown" and answer #1-4. Page 299

Vancouver Team
Finish reading "Risk Management"

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