Friday, February 2, 2018

Friday...aaaawww, yeeeeaahhh!!!!!!!

Get a journal if you do not have one yet.
Answer 6-9 of the questions handed out for the Tell Tale Heart. Sorry no electronic version of the questions. Phone a friend.
Spy on someone over the course of the weekend. Take a half page of notes down.
Find a classic novel for Monday sign up.

Read up to page 21 and answer 1-3.
Find a historical fiction novel for Monday sign up.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Term 3, Month 2, Day 1


1. Read Narration on page 21 and answer Structure 2, Style 1, Ideas, 1 & 2 after Coming of Age in Putnok.
2. Bring a journal.
3. Pick a classic novel.


Read page 10-11 and answer 2 and 3. Also read pages 9 and 12 and answer all practicing questions.

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