Friday, October 15, 2021

Soggy Friday

 English 12

Read chapter 8 and complete the questions for 1984. Chapter 7 questions should be complete as well. Your research essays are due on Tuesday. You will be marked on the following criteria (more to be discussed on Monday)

  • Integration of Knowledge (do you show you fully understand the concepts?)
  • Topic Focus (is it narrow enough after having a broad initial topic?)
  • Depth of Discussion (are all sections in depth and elaborated upon enough?)
  • Cohesiveness (do you tie together the info from all your sources?)
  • Spelling and Grammar (mistake free?)
  • Sources (at least 3, including one database?)
  • Citations (do you consistently cite all sources in either APA or MLA in both text and bibliography?)

Career Life 12

You will continue to have some time to work on your capstone, uni apps, or scholarships. Come to class prepared to use your time wisely.

English 11

Read section 3 of "OMAM" there are no questions to complete at this time. Remember that your poem is due next Friday, the 22nd at 1:05pm via email ( 

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Space: The Final Frontier...To Boldly Go Where No Man Has Gone Before.

English 12

You have an essay due next Tuesday so work on that tonight.

English 11

You have a presentation due tomorrow so work on that tonight.

Career Life 12

You have a Grad Transitions journal due tomorrow so work on that tonight. 

Accessing the School's Databases

 Username: TheBridge Password: jkcs#260

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Thankfulness is a posture

English 11

Read up to the bottom of page 29. No questions to complete at this time.

Career Life 12

Complete the following questions for tomorrow:

  1. Research a few ‘famous’ people who have had something to say about work, provide their quote.

  2. What seems to be Roosevelt’s overarching position on work? Give a ‘thesis statement’.

  3. What does Hesiod say are the consequences of not working ?

  4. Mark Judge titles his essay The Spiritual Value of Work’, but describes working in a job that is somewhat below his qualifications. What does he feel is of value spiritually?

  5. Summarize the overall theme of The Bible verses. Submit a paper copy.

English 12

Chapter 5 + questions.

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