Friday, February 9, 2018

Friday. Yes.

Write your short story. All or the first paragraph is fine. Be sure to submit the first paragraph on Wednesday.

Read up to page 47 and answer 1-4

Read this script. Audition for your character on Monday.
You Can't Take It With You

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Character Building, Play Making, and WWI


Good copy of your metaphor is due tomorrow along with your completed questions for The Portable Phonograph.


Quiz on everything up to page 41 tomorrow plus complete 1,3,4 on page 39


The search continues!

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Hump Day


Create a metaphor. One paragraph in length. Approximately 7-9 sentences. It can be longer but not shorter. Rough copy due tomorrow for peer editing. Good copy due Friday.


Complete all questions on page 34.
Quiz up to page 41 on Friday.
Propaganda posters due NEXT Friday.


Scholarship for students thinking of going into theatre.

16 in 10 minutes or less video of one school's production (for example)

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

A test, a "strange" woman, and a play 'up in the air'


Please read up to page 20 and complete 1 and 2.
Don't forget to sign up for a historical fiction.


Read The Metaphor and answer the questions at the back of the duo-tang.
Bring your journal
Study your vocab (5 min review)
Make sure you have your spy notes.


"You can't take it with you"

Monday, February 5, 2018

When was the last time it didn't rain?

Chapter 1 test tomorrow.

You are reading The Possibility of Evil
and answering these questions:
1.      What is Miss Strangeworth trying to accomplish by sending out her letters? Does she succeed? Explain.
2.      How would you describe the story’s atmosphere at the beginning? How does this atmosphere help to emphasize the ending?
3.      Why don’t the people ignore the letters they receive?
4.      What are the two interpretations you would give to the story’s title?
5.      What is this story saying about crime and criminals

As requested, I have (with the help of some wonderful students) put together duotangs of all the short stories we are doing this unit. I will collect all INSIDE STORIES II tomorrow, as we won't need them anymore.

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