Thursday, October 20, 2022

Last dayyyy!!!

 English 12

Here is the link Mrs P told you about. 


As for the rest of the weekend homework, please read chapter 6 (with questions) for 1984

and DEFINITELY work on your essay which is due for peer feedback on Tuesday.

Also, if you haven't brought in your signed field trip form...well, that. 

English 11

Don't forget that tricky #3 for subject/verb agreements...let's see if we can get a class consensus on Monday. 

Also, please complete the last sets of questions for section two of Of Mice and Men.

Career Life 12

No homework due for Monday

The following link is for those students who have elected to complete an electronic binder version of the capstone project. Note this blog post for future reference as it will not be posted again.

capstone link

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

casual day and don't bring your backpack to school day

 We will review chapter 5 questions for tomorrow so finish the last few pages: grade 12s

We will review section 2 of OMaM tomorrow so complete all questions on the handout except for 'who's in charge', and 'sunshine shade/background noise': grade 11s. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


 English 12

Complete chapter 4 of 1984 and questions tonight.

English 11

Work on I'm not the _______ you had in mind poem that is due next Tuesday.

Monday, October 17, 2022

The Day the Teacher was Away

 Hello Students, 

Here is your breakdown of the activities that need to be completed by today, Monday, October 17th.

Advisory 12

You can either work on your Ignite skit, get with your Lit Circle groups and create a plan, or see if there are any announcements from Grad Council. Also, ensure you have signed up for your Artona photos for next month if you have not done so yet. 

English 12

Questions for chapter 2 are due today. Begin chapter 3 and complete the  questions for those as well. We will review chapters 2 and 3 tomorrow in class. 

Remember to start with an Editing and Proofreading exercise. Today's topic should be The Lure of the Land. 

Lastly for today, please complete a one page max response to the question below and turn it in on my desk by the end of class. Paper copies only. In pen. Proper paragraph structure applies, as always.

We've seen how trigger warnings and micro-aggressions are real topics happening in our world and since the start of our 1984 novel we have seen how language can influence thought (re: journal entry 1, chapter 5 of 1984). Now here is today's written response. 

How are we to spread the Gospel (Matthew 28:18) that is to say, speak the truth, while being mindful to not offend anyone (2 Corinthians 6:3)?
It seems the Lord call us to do both; but are both possible, how?

Remember what a good paragraph looks like: topics sentence, supporting evidence, transitions, closing statement.

Christian Studies 12

Today you need to update your resume. You need to also spend some time working on your capstone. We will be transitioning to Apologetics in the coming week so take advantage of any time given for Capstone planning that you can get. Things like reaching out to mentors, continuing to find a mentor, researching your topic, thinking of ways to explore your potential future career, updating your weekly activity chart are all things that can be done this morning. Even if you are planning on doing the binder, the first thing you can do is your grad transition plan, or cover letter. These are two items that need to be completed in section one of the binder.
There is work to be done this class, it is just independently led. Be wise with your time. 

Drama 10/11

You need to spend this day working on your comedic monologue. It is due on Wednesday. Practice, practice, practice. Do not work on the play for the assembly. That is done, work on your own Knoxian Idol project.

English 11

Today was supposed to be the day that we were to share our research topics with other groups but that will have to wait until tomorrow. 
For today, please get into the same small groups that you were in on Friday and complete the questions for the poems, or finish the poker poetry. Once that is done, stay in those same small groups and review the starred questions in your group, ensuring accuracy. Lastly, in those same groups complete the last two sections of the handout. 
Please send your slides and one page notes to me for today ( so I can review them. 
There is no other work for today. 

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