Thursday, May 10, 2018

I appreciate you, too!


You will read the rest of today's section (the part you didn't write a poem on)
and answer #1-7 on pages 264.


No hw tonight but you have sonnets that are due next Wednesday and you will have an Act 4 quiz on Monday.
Don't forget next Friday your Classic Fiction is due.


Lines need to be memorized by the following date:
72-78 next Wedesnday
79-83 last Wednesday

Tuesday, May 8, 2018



Upcoming due dates: May 16th Sonnet due
                                    May 18th Historical Fiction due
Tonight read Act 4.2 and answer questions


Read up to page 256 # 1, 2, 4, 6


Lines test tomorrow!

Monday, May 7, 2018

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ~James 5:16

English 10
Last year, after I had shared many videos on powerful speeches, a student shared one with me that showed the lighter side of great speeches. If you need a comedy break before your homework, have a watch.
Once your ready to get back to work grade 10s, you are reading Act 4, scene 1 and answering the 3 questions that follow.

Socials 11

You are answering the questions on page 249 #1-3, 6, 8. You may have to look at page 247 for ideas to answer #8.
Signed tests and current events quiz for tomorrow.

Drama 10-12

We have work to do and you know what it is!!!

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