Tuesday, June 4, 2019

She posted her blog with no signs of diffidence

"New words? Why learn them? What is their use?!
I'll never say a sentence where I include the word obtuse."
But why learn anything except that perhaps it makes us better.
It's not just for showing up friends and looking like a 'go-getter'.
Ralph has thoughts but "lack of words to express them"*
And failure to communicate well gives internal mayhem.
And if we are being honest, we all want our dream job,
So it might earn us points if we come dressed-up like slobs.
New words provide context which informs our reading,
And makes others want to follow if we feel like leading.
I can give more reasons why new words are our friends,
But whether you take my advice or not utterly depends
on your ability to trust my wisdom that comes with age.
Now I'm not saying I'm some guru or wizened old sage,
I just want to make sure we are all on the same page!
So speaking of page, let's get to tonight's final task,
Read chapter 7 & answer the questions, too much to ask?

* page 81

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chapel april 16

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