Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Faith 150!


Chapter 8 is here! Last one of the first unit. Complete the first set of practice questions in chapter 8 (page 248) 1-3, 5, 6, 8.
Signed tests need to be returned. I will stand by my statement that bonus marks will be given to those who return every test given.


Finish reading Act 4 (scenes one and two) and up to page 52.
Answer the following questions:

1. Write a summary of the proscription scene, in which the members of the triumvirate appear for the fist time in the play.

2. Outline the purpose of this scene. List four points.

3. What unpleasant aspects of Antony's character are revealed in this scene?

scene 2:

1. Stat what happens in this scene.

2. What is the purpose of the scene at Sardis when Cassius rejoins Brutus? What does it foreshadow?

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chapel april 16

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