Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day


1. Here is your journal topic to think about for tomorrow's class.

"Major's speech had given to more intelligent animals on the the farm a completely new outlook on life. They did not know when the rebellion predicted by Major would take place, they had no reason for thinking it would be within their own lifetime, but they saw clearly that it was their duty to prepare for it."

  • Choose a powerful passage from Major's speech. Examine the construction and how it reinforces his message. Write a journal entry that describes the life of a teenager. Use exactly the same syntax as the model for Animal Farm.
example: Nearly all of our childhood, which is supposed to be happy and carefree, is stolen from us in lectures and in tests. What is the source of this misery? It is summed up in one word--school. Teachers are...

2. Bring laptop for class time research tomorrow.

3. Read chapter two of Animal Farm and answer the questions that accompany it. 


1. Read only pages 52-56.

2. Get your signed test in to me.

3. Bring your field trip form in (signed).


1. 3/4 of your monologue is due next Monday.

2. All of it is due the last Monday of this month.

Image result for happy valentines day meme

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