Saturday, February 28, 2015

The Weekend Post


This week we will get into World War II so come prepared by reading up to page 123 and answering all of the questions.


Your in class essay will be this Monday. I spoke to two students who had very good outlines and asked if they had consulted the 'Google god'. They said they had and I told them that to not state that in their essay (i.e. a bibliography) is plagiarism (taking credit for someone else's ideas).
Since I was able to notice this pretty quickly, I highly suggest that you cite your sources.
You do not need to do any research for this paper, I want to see your ideas and your writing, but if you do find ideas on the internet, YOU MUST make that known in your essay.

Also, little side note: 10/16 of you wrote on Evil. Consider changing topics? You don't have to, of course, but as they say "Variety is the Spice of Life".

We move onto Julius Caesar on Tuesday so make sure you have read the intro pages on Caesar and Shakespeare by then.


Lines due this week as are your permission forms.


  1. I was reading over my essay outline, but your writing is in cursive. Please stop.

    -Grade 10 Student

  2. OR ask me what it says? Or learn to read cursive? Or ask someone near by?


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