Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Dueceday (second Tuesday of the school year)

Christian Studies

1. Read the handout on Unclean Water beginning with "Briefing". That word is very faint but the reading starts with "Water is everywhere" from pages 52 to 55.

2. Your next journal pre-read is right here - there is a short video and an article. Please view both.

3. Reminder that Timeline and Reseach Paper are now due Monday.


1. Imagine I assigned you an essay that said, "Using examples from the poem, explain the theme in Dulce et Decorum Est". Make some preliminary notes on what you would use for support (these do not need to be handed in).

2. Write an introductory paragraph of that imagined essay of approximately 5-7 sentences. You will need a thesis and a hook (this does need to be handed in, eventually).

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