Thursday, December 15, 2022

Thursday night homework (Not to be done over the break)

 English 12 

Finish reading the rest of  Act 3, scene 3 and answer the questions.

English 11

Here are the bonus lines: first come first serve.

Also read 5.1 and 5.2 plus questions.

Bonus Assignment


If you would like to earn top up any quiz to 100% from this unit you may choose one of the following lines for memorization and class presentation.

Remember that you are acting lines from a play; come to class in costume and character!

If you merely say your lines, forget your lines or do not perform them you will not earn the full 100% top up.


Act I. II

·       Lines 9-25


Act I. V

·       Lines 13-28 (After reading the letter from Macbeth)

·       Lines 40-56


Act I. VII

·       Lines 1-28

·       Lines 38- 88 (Lady Macbeth’s lines only, Macbeth’s lines will be read to you offstage)


Act II. I

·       Lines 41-72



·       Lines 1-19


Act III. I

·       Lines 52-76

·       85-107


Act III. V

·       2-35



·       Lines 1-24



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