Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Beauty of a Smile

Today and Yesterday, I shared a devotion on 'The Smile'.
I remembered watching this video a while back where a student conducted an experiment in her school.
I watched it with the sound off (it was one of those videos on my Facebook feed) I was struck by how beautiful everyone was when they smiled; their smile totally changed their faces for the better. If you have the time, you can watch the video here. I suggest you do as I did and watch it on mute. It made all the difference to me...and it would seem that so do kind gestures to lots of people.

Christian Studies
Today you were briefly introduced to Elisabeth Elliot. One of the things Elisabeth did with her life was write a bi-monthly newsletter for almost 20 years.
You are to read her first ever newsletter tonight. Please just read the first article about contexts and also read the second last newsletter. The first article in that one is about restlessness and worry.

Tonight you are to write a newsletter of 500 words max on a topic of your choosing. It should be something that can help, edify, teach, or bless your peers. Be sure to use at least one quote (from the Bible and other famous writers). You can use an anecdotal story like contexts does, if you wish. It does not need to be in newsletter format. Submit tomorrow.
Remember also to write 5 questions that stem from all we have learned and/or done in this module so far.

No homework

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