Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do YOU believe in an Afterlife?


You are all now placed with a teacher/staff member/ at your place of work.
Don't forget to sign your work log EACH time  you work. You will need this toward the end of the term and semester. If you keep your binder in my classroom then I can see that you are here, as you are in my attendance folder...to that end, please ensure that you are checking in with me either at the start or end of your block so I can mark you 'present'.

English 12

Your homework is to read The Guest by Albert Camus, p 358. For those of you that don't have textbooks. Please read, it here: L'Hote
There are some questions that need to be completed for our class discussion. These are #3-7 in your textbook. #6: omit the question that asks "How does Daru reflect France's flight?" Everybody should have the questions.
Reminder: (does it qualify as a nag now?) get a lock, hand in your permission slip for Bard, get your planner signed.

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chapel april 16

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