Monday, April 24, 2017

Term Four at the Door

Holy Sunshine!


It seems these homework questions are pesky for you. So please answer these questions tonight. Just DO THESE:

(You will need to finish reading Act 1 Scene 2 only)

1. Write a summary of A.1 S.2, in which Casca tells Cassio and Brutus the manner in which Caesar was offered the crown by Marcus Brutus in the forum.

2. Why do Cassius and Brutus leave the company of Caesar and followers during the celebration and what do they discuss?

3. "Honor", says Cassius, 'is the subject of my story. Interpret, explain, or paraphrase what Shakespeare said here. Show internal evidence.

4. What aspect of Honor is involved?

5. Does Cassius' soliloquy in A.1 S.2 alter his view or intensify his sense of 'honor'?


Quiz tomorrow (page 146-156). Finish reading the chapter.


Dress in Red or Blue for Nick's performance tomorrow.

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