Friday, February 11, 2022

Happy 18th, Jimmy and Emily!!

Philosophy12: read up to page 60--just the bio, not the bottom paragraph.

English 10: write a max 1-2 column news paper article where you satirize a social ill in the world:

Satire: the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.

English 11: Read A Cap for Steve and answer the following questions: 1. What do you treasure the most? If you were to sell it, how much would you sell it for? 2. Please answer the first and second questions of  #1 of the book. 3. What does the cap represent in the story?

Good copy of Brother, Dear due Monday. Include your rough draft as well. 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

London Fog

 English 10

Ensure the 10 questions for The Lottery are completed for submission tomorrow and submit 5 aspects of our society that you believe could be written into a satire.

English 11

Write a rough draft of a different POV for Brother, Dear.  I will be looking at the following four points when you submit a FINAL COPY ON MONDAY. 

  1. It is double spaced and one page to one and a half pages typed or printed (in pen).
  2. It is a portion of the short story and not the full story.
  3. It is from a perspective other than Sharlene's.
  4. You have incorporated dialogue and in so doing adhered to proper quoting of dialogue and paragraph structure (and said is dead--so use this word sparingly).
Monday: A Cap for Steve.
Tuesday: Sunday in the Park
Wednesday: The Story of Keesh
Thursday: The Initiation

Philosophy 12

Quiz on Chapter 1 tomorrow and read up to page 57. No questions necessary.

Drama 10-11

Let's watch a Sparknotes Video tonight on King Lear just to move things along a bit.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


The only class with HW is English 11.

Finish Brother, Dear and answer 3a, 3c, and write a theme statement.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

NOT Spring-ish

 English 10

Answer 3-5 on the handout for Harrison Bergeron

English 11

Complete your group's short story and consider ways to teach it.

Philosophy 12

Read to the bottom of page 50 and complete these questions. 

Just two questions here to help guide your reading:

5. How do philosophers deal with varying moral codes or things that are 'evil' but are done by 'good' people.
6. Put ethical relativism in your own words.

Monday, February 7, 2022


English 10

Read Harrison Bergeron.

English 11

Write a theme statement for Boys and Girls.

Philosophy 12

Read up to page 46.

Here are some questions to complete to guide your thinking.

1. What was Immanuel Kant's dilemma between free will and determinism?
2. Put the definition of Ethics in your own words.
3. What was Kant's second important concern regarding criticism?
4. What are the three reasons to think about ethics?

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