Friday, November 7, 2014

Lest We Forget

Vancouver Team

Please read the handout called Understanding God's Call to Respond.
Complete the assignment at the end of this handout on page 19.


Advice to a Prophet
To Sum it All Up

Had THIS in the ol' tool box, too.

Poetry Test Wednesday.
Reminder, we are now half way through the semester, continue to be involved in your lit circles.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Wind + Autumn = Rakes

English 12
Have a look at Advice to a Prophet again.
What ideas do you see coming out of that poem?

Vancouver Team
Read the last section of  Orange Peels.
Read the handout "Should you give a homeless person money"

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Mid Week Merriment



Vancouver Team

Diluted Juice:
How do we treat the Gospel like diluted juice?
Why do we do this?
What are the negative repercussions of doing this?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

New Module Mayhem!!

Not really.


Please read pages 959 and 960 in the textbook. There are two poems there. We will be working with them tomorrow.

Vancouver Team

Please read the Orange Peels handout and stop at Diluted Juice.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Movember's Here: Grow 'em if you got 'em!


Read Civil Peace tonight on page 511. Think about what the title means regarding this story.

Mere Christianity

Your marks are now on Engrade. I have sent you an email at your carverphoenix account to check your mark.
We never got a change to read the parable "The Castle". Feel free to read it or hand it back for the next bunch of students. I will need your books back by December 3rd.

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