Anybody every try to figure out the reason for this month being named as it is. Go's pretty interesting.
Hamlet: Finish 3.1 questions. Ready 3.2 up to line 125
Othello: Finish questions for 3.3.
Screwtape: Finish questions for Letter 28.
Journal topic for tomorrow:
Letter 27, Screwtape touches on the question of whether God determined the fate
and destiny of all things, whether everything is predetermined: “he would reply
that then the Enemy always knew men were going to make those prayers and ,if
so, they did not pray freely but were predestined to do so.” This is an ancient
discussion: predestination versus free will of man. Does God control history?
How much does he control destiny? Is
everything that happens set in place by God? Do we have free will? How does
man’s free will fit into God’s will? Can our free will go against God’s will?
The implications of these questions can be profound. This topic is complicated
and the two positions (Calvinism: predestination & Arminianism: free will)
are hotly defended. Feel free to look at
religious leaders viewpoints, the Bible, and other areas or research, but I
want your response to be completely your own.