Friday, May 4, 2012

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word. ~Mata Hari

With God on Our Side reminded us above all that we are to love our neighbor and have humanity in our hearts--a truism that often gets forgotten in the search for peace in the Middle East. We may never know if God is on our side, but perhaps the real question is, are we on God's side?
After some weird thing Elie and Rachel bragged about, we decided to scrap the project and work through the chapter as per usual.
Read through India, Kashmir, and Pakistan and be prepared to take a quiz on Monday on Japan.

No Homework!

Lines due Monday.
Please read the introduction to Othello, it attempts to bring a modern perspective on a classic piece.
Answer the review questions for 5.2

Thursday, May 3, 2012

"I understand a fury in your words, but not the words"

History 12
You wrote and wrote and wrote some more.
Thus you will write nothing for homework but merely read: "Japan", chapter 13.

Socials 11
Canadian Government is our new topic. Read up to p. 296 and answer 2 & 3....and get your tests signed.

English 12
Quiz tomorrow on Act 4.
5.1 questions.
Rewrites for paragraph on 'Advice/Son'.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

But I was bombasted, beleagured, and bribed for bits of butter!

Test tomorrow.
4 short answer worth 10 each. (the only) 5 vocab words.

Quiz tomorrow.

Read Act 4 scene 2 for homework and complete questions.
Absent students need to complete the following assignment due tomorrow.
"In paragraph form, in approximately 125-150 words, and with specific reference to 'What Shall He Tell That Son' discuss the father's advice to his son."

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day, May Day!

History 12
Due tomorrow: H.S. sheet.
No other homework.

Socials 11
Answer # 1,2, on page 270 and read up to page 273, no questions.

English 12
What?! No hw again?! The calm before the storm it seems.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Last Day of April

May 2- Historical Significance
May 4- Ch.12 test: 4 short answers and vocab
Elie and Eric presentations tomorrow.

Read up to page 267 and answer 1,2.

Nothing, nada, zip, zilch...this would be a good time to memorize your lines, however, or work on your literary graffiti assignment (there's always something).

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