Friday, October 4, 2019

When I say Friday you say "Yeah!" Friday! ________ Friday! __________

Image result for macleans us rewriting war of 1812Winston at Work


You have a quiz on 1984 Monday...also if you weren't done your photo essays, these are due Monday too.


Please watch the leader of each Federal party try to convince 5 undecided voters. Go to CBC to find the videos.
October 29th: Brainstorming paper due.

Christian Studies

Read the handout given today on Why students are struggling with mental health and write an answer to the title question at the end of the article.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

I do haka!


Quiz Monday for part 1 of 1984.
Finish reading chapter 8 and complete questions.
Bring in scissors & glue if you have it for tomorrow's class.
Get your field trip form signed and bring it in.


Current events quiz next Monday.
Complete questions 1-4 on page 309.

Christian Studies

Finish reading the handout on Work.
Resumes and cover letters are to be submitted tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

PSL season

Image result for pumpkin spice food

Do you remember when Pumpkin Spice Anything wasn't even a thing? Too young? Let me know in the comment section.

English Students, well, well, well, we meet again, here on this blog. It seems you have to finish reading chapter 7 of 1984 and answer the requisite questions. Some of you worked ahead, some of you did not. I speak to the latter group: complete your homework.

Social Studies Students, it seems our political affiliations have been defined for us thanks to CBC.
And it would appear we have a solid grasp on where each political party stands and as a result, NO HW!

Christian Studies Students, you have told me that you need an additional day for your resumes and cover letters to be in tip-top shape. You shall have it! Get both items in by this Friday!

postscript: field trip permission forms for grade 12s are due any time now.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Student Council Rounded Out.

Finish chapter 6 + questions

Page 304-307
Questions 2-5

Christian Studies
No homework

Monday, September 30, 2019

Cold and Flu Season in Full Effect


Finish Chapter 5 and complete the questions (6-10) in the handout.
You should have your lit circle book by tomorrow, so chat with your group
about the book and dates you will meet (4) to discuss the book.


Your essays are due tomorrow. Print them out and submit.

Christian Studies

We looked at 'The Future of Work'
and will update our resumes for employment.
Please bring in a physical copy of your resume.

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