Friday, November 30, 2018

Thunder today (Imagine Dragons)


Both classes have a quiz on Monday. Quotes quiz for B block, short answer for A block.
Both classes also need to complete their questions for  the last scene of act 2 and complete their fourth journal entry (record your thoughts and feelings to the events and characters as they have unfolded in Act 2). Ensure you put yourself on a 10 minute timer to write your entry.

Christian Studies

Read and answer all appropriate questions for chapters 6 & 7.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Shakespeare + Lewis = Teacher Heaven


Hamet: Finish reading the rest of Act 2 and answer the questions for scene 2.

Christian Studies:

I'm sure most, if not all of you, finished your work in class, but if not please answer # 3, and 4 for chapters 1-4 and answer #2 that comes after the chart. You will also need to fill in the chart for the Big Man.
Lastly, there is a quiz tomorrow on the essays outlined in yesterday's blog post.

Carpe Diem!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018



Othello readers are reading Act 2, scene 1 up until Othello enters. Answer 1 and 2 of your questions.
Hamlet readers are completing Act 2, scene 1 and all questions.

Christian Studies

Finish reading C.S. Lewis' discussion on praising and write 5 main points on/things learned from the essay.
Reminder quiz on Friday: We have no right to happiness, The grand miracle, the poison of subjectivism, after priggery, what, and a word about praising.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

G.I.V.E. (Giving Is Very Edifying)

Christian Studies
Complete your questions for "After Priggery, What?"

Read Coming of Age in Putnok plus one other essay from Chapter 1: Narration in "The Act of Writing" Textbook.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Last November Week


B and C both have quizzes to prepare for tomorrow.
Study your Act 1 plays well.

Christian Studies

Answer all the questions for We have No Right to Happiness.

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