Friday, October 7, 2022

Thanksgiving Weekend

I'm thankful for a weekend where I get to Give Thanks!
When I count my blessings, there's nowhere to draw blanks:
My heart pumps steadily and my lungs fill with air, 
My brain works well and my legs take me everywhere.
I have food in my fridge, and a roof over my head,
and I've always had a place with a cozy little bed.
There's my family to love and we help each other grow,
there's people in my corner who help with stuff I don't know.
But mostly, I thankful to Him from whom these blessings flow,
who carried my sins to the cross, knowing I would never go. 

Happy Thanksgiving, students! May you enjoy this time of rest and gratitude as you commune with family and friends.

Here is your homework:

English 12

There is a quiz on Tuesday on 1984 part 1 and maybeeee (?) an editing quiz. Hand in your 1984 in pictures assignment.

English 11

Your speech "If you really knew me" is due on Tuesday.

Career Life 12

Your proposal and mentor form is due on Tuesday. Proposal should be about two pages max (double-spaced). This means being as specific as possible, including core competencies.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Casual Day Tomorrow

 English 12

Tonight's the night where you are homework free,

but tomorrow you turn in paper copies to me.

Time to work on paragraphs in class,

Use your time wisely to ensure a high pass.

English 11

A test tomorrow on the short stories you've learned

Study well so you can feel proud of the mark you've earned.

Show up on time with some paper and a pen-

Length of time will be one hour and ten.   

Career Life 12

No homework tonight.                                                                                        


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