Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Guess what day it is...


Bring your laptops tomorrow as we will be working on presentations on Interesting People of the 1920s.


Make sure you have your lines memorized for this Friday. Everything up to page 19 needs to be completed.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Conspiracy Theories? Or Truths wWaiting to Come Out?


Tonight you need to write a paragraph stating whether the war was overall positive or negative for Canada.


Lines need to be memorized to the bottom of page 19 for this Friday.

Monday, February 15, 2016

So, it's Monday...AGAIN!


Complete the questions on page 51, #1, #4. Read your historical fiction book!


We need to have everything up to page 19 memorized by this Friday. Rehearse in your mind, rehearse while you talk to people (pretend you are listening to them), rehearse in the shower, rehearse before you go to bed (after you say your prayers), rehearse at the dinner table, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!!!

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