Friday, December 5, 2014

E.i.D not to be confused with "Eid"

C.S. Lewis Social Justice

Read the newspaper article I handed out at the end of class for Monday's in-class journal writing (bring your journals to class).


Write a 300 word (approx) multi-paragraph essay: "Contrast the relationship the fathers in 'Gold Mountain Coat' and 'Wordsmith' have with their children. Consider: appropriateness of your examples, written expression, and adequacy of your explanation.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Module Rotation Day!

Mere Christianity
 (Re)read the first chapter of Lewis' book: The Law of Human Nature and answer the questions that follow. Those of you without a book yet, or if you left your book (tsk, tsk) can go the above link for this chapter.
Also, if you need to start reading chapter 2 (Some Objections) you can do that HERE. It will begin on page 17.


D block: Complete your outline for either 'character of Sam Sing or 'symbolism' in Gold Mountain Coat

B block: study for Hamlet quiz tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2014

14 days left of classes (but who's counting?)

Vancouver Team

Study well for the Matthew quiz tomorrow: chapters 5 and 6.


B block answer 1-5 for 2.2.
D block finish Iago's soliloquy and answer questions for 2.1

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