Friday, February 3, 2023

Let's do couplets, shall we?

English 11

Read the short story about Leonard Mead,
Your textbook and ten minutes is all you'll need.
Then questions below will need to be completed,
and with five more minutes to journal, you'll have succeeded.

The Pedestrian Questions
1. What function does the setting serve?
2. What important information is conveyed by the setting.
3. What aspects of the conflict are introduced in the setting?
4. What mood or atmosphere does the setting create?
5. Write down your favorite metaphor or simile. 

Inspired by Ray Bradbury's Short Story:

I'm going for an evening stroll today
to keep Ray Bradbury's 2053 at bay.
I will fight against the beckoning Screen!
If you succumb, I'm not trying to demean
you. Or any other person who feels the pull.
Technology, over our eyes, drops the wool.
Many of us love the hygge of that fleece,
But I'll be the leader in that V-flock of geese.
Take a walk, take a jog, take a spin, take a stand!
Decide for yourself, where's your line in the sand?

English 10

Julius Caesar has some serious frenemies,
Deaths and Daggers will be in their destinies. 
Act One is over and we're about to review,
Heads up, that means there'll be a quiz or two.
But for tonight complete the sheet on how Romans numbered
And complete those Snippets. Make them snazzy, ya heard?


Wednesday, February 1, 2023

What do you meme?

English 10

Finish reading the rest of scene two and answer these questions:

1. Write a brief summary in which Casca tells Cassius and Brutus of the manner in which Caesar was offered a crown by Marc Antony in the Forum.

2. What is the Feast of the Lupercal?

3. Why do Cassius and Brutus leave the company of Caesar and his train during the celebrations of the Feast of Lupercal and what do they discuss?

4. What do you suppose is the purpose of this scene?

English 11

Finish reading Boys and Girls and answer these questions:

1. What is the primary conflict in the story (think of the two types of conflict we discussed)?

2. How does the main character change by the end of the story? Is this change from nurture or nature?

3. The phrase only a girl is used in two different situations. What meaning does the phrase have for the girl in each situation? How does it contribute to the overall meaning of the story.

4. This story is called a 'coming of age' story or BILDUNGSROMAN. Why do you think that is?

And since our short story is all about reflecting on gender stereotypes. 

What about these?

Don't forget a good copy of your simile is due Friday.


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

“‎You're not the same as you were before," he said. You were much more... muchier... you've lost your muchness.” (Alice in Wonderland)

English 10

Read Act I, scene i and

1. summarize the opening scene of the play.

2. give reasons for the differing attitudes towards Caesar's return to Rome with pomp and ceremony, as revealed in the opening scene of the play.

English 11

Write a 1/2 page (max) paragraph where you describe someone you know. Use 5 similes and make sure they are not cliche. Use them as a painter would: use bold stokes to create an evocative image.

Monday, January 30, 2023

Day One; Semester Two

 Hello, Welcome (back) to my blog. 

This is where I will post no later than 9pm every day so that you may know the homework. This is your last line of defence. Check the homework board, write in your planner, and check with a friend in case, I don't post for some reason. 

Let's get started:

English 10

You have no homework tonight, phew! But find a duo-tang or journal to bring into class. You'll need that.

English 11

Finish reading Learning the Language. If you didn't get a book check this PDF version. The story starts on page 6.

Answer #2 and #3 for tomorrow and try to get hold of a duo-tang or notebook for free-writes. 

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