*ATTENTION all grade 10s :as you will be the only students in class tomorrow, you will go up to Mr. Rose's room and join the other grade 10s. Please do these questions together tomorrow in class. Free time will follow once you finish your questions. Grade 11s, you will need to complete these questions for Thusday:
1. Look at the places in the Bible that our book (pages 12-14) shows us examples of 'bowing down'. Select two of those references, one from the First/Old Testament and one from the New, and summarize the story/context associated with bowing down.
2. Does Block believe that Paul in the New Testament still wants believers to prostrate themselves in worship? Support your answer.
3. The word 'genuflection' means to bow down. While we have established that this is to be associated with worship, what other words does the book mention are loosely associated with worship (note: liturgical simply means public worship) and, please, don't worry about the Hebrew or Greek.
4. How is Romans 12:1 perfectly encapsulate what it means to worship?
5. Try to put into your own words what Block is saying about 'priests'/'priesthood' at the end of this section.
I will do a homework check on Thursday and we will finish this first chapter on Thursday.
See you then, 10s.
B BLOCK, You are reading Plot and Structure for Thusday's class. No questions.
C BLOCK, You are one day ahead (you have already read The Destructors) so there is no homework.